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This website has been archived from to TrainWeb.US/cprdieselroster.



The pictures in the Motive Power section were submitted by numerous contributors. These contributors are all credited on the individual pages as well as on the bottom line of the Motive Power Page.

With this website, I try to give a highly detailed overview of the Motive Power roster of the Canadian Pacific Railway. All of the information found in the roster pages is gathered from various sources and is never intended to be complete in any way.

This website is not officially associated with Canadian Pacific Railway. The official CPR website can be found at .


Remembering Bill Sanderson, who passed away on December 4th, 2011


In addition to this website, check out the following sites related to Canadian Pacific Railway and SOO Line Motive Power :


Canadian Pacific Railway corporate website :


Fallen Flags Railroad Photos :


Locophotos :


The unofficial SOO Line Diesel Roster :

©2020 Wilco van Schoonhoven

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